Das Museum Atelier Otto Niemeyer-Holstein
vereint das seit 1933 historisch gewachsene Ensemble von Wohnhaus, Atelier und Garten des Malers Otto Niemeyer-Holstein (1896 – 1984) mit der 2001 eröffneten Neuen Galerie.
Gelegen an der schmalsten Stelle der Insel Usedom, in freier Landschaft, ist „Lüttenort“ ein Refugium, in dem sich Kunst und Natur unmittelbar begegnen. In unserem Museum können Sie die Werke des Künstlers an dem Ort erleben, an dem sie zum größten Teil entstanden sind.
Das Anwesen, dessen eigenwillige Architektur mit der Anlage des Gartens und seinen Skulpturen bereits in sich selbst als Kunstwerk erscheint, erinnert an Otto Niemeyer-Holstein, der in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts einer der bedeutendsten Maler war.
Neben der original erhaltenen Wohn- und Arbeitsstätte des Malers und dem vom Künstler gestalteten Garten besitzt das Museum einen bedeutenden Fundus von Werken Otto Niemeyer-Holsteins, der in wechselnden Ausstellungen und in den Führungen gezeigt wird.

Usedom as an island for artists
In the thirties of last century the artists Otto Manigk, Otto Niemeyer-Holstein, Karen Schacht and Herbert Wegehaupt, settled on the island Usedom and were referred to as the “Usedom art School” later on. Their works which mostly dealt with the landscape of the island were not connected by a special style but by their artistic fundamental attitude.
Decisive for the artists of this generation was the wish to show the elementary and essential points of the experienced reality in their pictures. Many artists, born around 1900 belong to a relatively unknown generation of artists. But this fact doesn’t reveal anything about the artistic excellence.
The reason for their prolonged disappearance is to be seen in the radical break of the development due to the National Socialism. In the nights of bombing during the Second World War big parts of their previous work got lost. Art development after the war didn’t offer many starting points for appreciation. For some their works were not realistic enough for others not abstract enough.
Usedom is an island for artists, originated under different conditions compared to the colonies which were founded in the late 19th century. The artists from Usedom built a community, became friends. They met much later than most other colonies of artists, but stand in tradition of them. Nearly 30 years the painters of Usedom have worked together, developed a unique style of painting which unfolds its magic even today, believing in nature and human dignity.

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